14 de mayo, SonarSound Washington
Gracias a la Embajada Española en Estados Unidos y el Instituto Cultural de México, Sónar llega por primera vez a Washington para organizar un evento dentro del programa de actividades “Preview Spain. Arts&Culture09”, que se celebrará todos los años entre abril y junio hasta la inauguración de la Spain/US House en la capital americana, prevista para el 2011.
SonarSound Washington se celebra en el emblemático Instituto Cultural de México de la ciudad, con un programa que incluye a dos artistas mexicanos (el veterano Panoptica y el prometedor Cubenx) y a artistas y proyectos de la escena nacional (ReacTable, Griffi + DJ2D2, Aqeel y d.a.r.y.l.).
Para mas info: Haz click aqui
Thanks to the Spanish Embassy in the United States and the Cultural Institute of Mexico, Sonar comes to Washington for the first time to organise an event as part of the programme of activities “Preview Spain. Arts&Culture09,” which will be held every year between April and June until the inauguration of the Spain/US House in the American capital, which is scheduled for 2011.
SonarSound Washington is being held in the city's famous Cultural Institute of Mexico, with a programme that include two mexican artists (the veteran Panoptica and the promising Cubenx) and artists and projects from the national scene (ReacTable, Griffi + DJ2D2, Aqueel, d.a.r.y.l.).
more info: click here